Board of Directors
The Ambulance Wish Singapore’s Board of Directors governs the work of AWS. Our Board shapes AWS’ direction through mission-based leadership and strategic governance.

Aloysius Wee
Ai Ling Sim-Devadas
Vice Chairperson
Choo Chek Siew
Carol Wee
Board Secretary
Grace Young-Diao
James Sim
Dr Kwek Kon Yew
Dr Ong Yew Jin
Dr Keith Goh
AdvisorConcerns on the charity may be raised with or information provided to:
Private & Confidential
For the Attention of Audit Committee Chairman
Ambulance Wish (Singapore) Ltd
Email Address: [email protected]
Such reports are to be made in writing, either in the form of a letter or email, and in detail setting out the background and history of events as well as the reason(s) for concern.