All Posts by awfadmin

Simple joys are the most meaningful

Facebook Link: by Jill Chua We often assume that a man’s final wish would be grandiose, but for Mr Ang, it was as humble as returning home one last time to tend to his plants and visit his regular barber for a haircut and a clean shave. Meet Mr.

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Last Outfit of Her Life: A Tailored Dress

Facebook Link: by Shuomei Tan-Huang All Mdm Chan wanted for her last wish was a dress, specially tailored, and a good photograph taken, for her funeral. It appeared like a simple enough wish except that Mdm Chan, who has advanced cancer was deteriorating very quickly. Thankfully, the SGH Art

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A Father’s Love

Facebook Link: by Hewlett Packard Enterprise In-spite of battling with gastric cancer and bed-ridden, Mr. Abdul Rahman knows deep in his heart that the best gift for his beloved daughter is to be able to give his blessings to her on her wedding day. Our volunteers, Farhanah, Yves, Sanjay,

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Happy Giving – The feeling you get from making a difference

Facebook Link: “Happy Giving – The feeling you get from making a difference”. That was the attention grabbing banner that caught our eyes when we stepped into Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE) office today. We are grateful to be one of the charities of choice for HPE, which raised a total

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Fulfilling Wishes, Celebrating Lives

Facebook Link: A yellow-themed birthday celebration was held for Mdm Samsiah’s 72nd birthday at D’Resort. The celebration was meticulously planned and executed by Jade, Richard, Sork Hoon, and Carol, with the help of many individuals who generously donated their time, effort, resources, and talents. Samsiah had requested a family

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Awaken the Golfer Within

Facebook Link: By Chan Kong Hoe 82-year-old Mr. Salleh had a wish, he hoped to revisit Singapore Island Country Club (SICC), a place where he can reflect on his lifetime of moments where he was happiest. An avid golfer, Mr. Salleh held a special connection with SICC. It was

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World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

Facebook Link: Today is World Hospice and Palliative Care Day. We would like to pay tribute to the incredible work of all healthcare professionals involved in palliative care. Thank you for the amazing meaningful work that you do, caring for the terminally ill. At Ambulance Wish Singapore, it is

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Channel 8’s HeartWarmers

Facebook Link: As April winds to an end, we would like to reflect on the blessings the month has brought forth. Three weeks ago, Ambulance Wish Singapore was featured on Channel 8’s HeartWarmers. Since then, we have been surprised and humbled by the generous outpouring of support from the

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晨光|心鲜人: 新加坡救护车圆梦队 助临终病人完成心愿

参加孩子的结婚典礼,和家人去酒店宅度假,或者全家一起拍张全家福;这些对我们任何人来说感觉不是太难的事,对一些患了重病在生死线挣扎的病人来说,却是遥不可及的愿望。 本地有一群义工就创立了慈善组织专门帮助这些临终病人圆梦。这集《心鲜人》带你去认识这群有心人。

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